Fork Seal Leaking, Anyone?

Mellow, they'll fit the NT if they'll fit the ST. At least I'm pretty sure they will. I'll let you know tomorrow evening.
I have the NOJ guards on the new Super10. With its upside down forks, it just seemed like a good idea.

Phil, sometimes a fork seal leaks because there is grit stuck between the tube and the seal, and if you can get the grit out, the leak will stop and you can avoid replacing the seal. You can use a strip of old film negative for this, or buy a commercial equivalent at the motorcycle shop.
Katherine, it's fixed...and for "free." Well, no expense today because of the four-year extension to my warranty. It sounds like something like a fork seal could have been denied warranty coverage, but the service manager where I go likes me because, he says, "You're a rider."
The tech who did the work says that all it takes to ruin a seal is one good-sized dead bug. I think that's what John Grinsel said, too. I had never had a low-mileage fork seal go before, but when I think back on it, I guess that every time one did, I polished the fork with fine emery (emory?) cloth to smooth it up before putting it back together.
NOJs came yesterday while I was in getting the fork seal replaced and having a new front tire mounted. Put 'em on tonight. Easy-peezy.

I think the thing I like best is the name. I had figured that NOJ stood for something, and it does. Not a company name (or at least an ordinary company name. NOJ = No Ordinary Journey. I think that's pretty cool.
i just received the fork seals today and, oddly enough, they do not have the NOJ logo on them...they are just plain black pieces of neoprene. doesn't really matter to me either way, just thought i would point it out. i ordered part # 58-734 from Dennis Kirk. is that the same part number you bought, phil?
i ordered part # 58-734 from Dennis Kirk. is that the same part number you bought, phil?

Yep. Only ones I've ever seen have NOJ on 'em. Course I've never seen but one pair. Mine.
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