Full face or modular

Count me among the Nolan N-90 fans.

I love a modular - when allergies get to me and I have to sneeze, its a simple flip to get the front of the helmet out of the way. I live in a very hot and humid area, so cracking the face shield open gives me some good circulation on a typical commute ride. As mentioned before, I love the strap buckle - I fumble with d-rings on the spare helmet I keep for "guest" passengers. I also sweat a lot, so the ability to take the interior out for a good wash is a huge plus. For my slightly oval head, the fit is perfect - and as also been noted, the flip-up bar stays locked 100% according to the SHARP helmet testing site at http://sharp.direct.gov.uk/testsratings/nolan-n90. My only (minor) complaint is the noise. It's not terribly noisy, but it could be quieter.

One other thing of note - excellent customer service. I bought mine about two years ago right after it came on the market. There was a minor design flaw affecting the face shield. A quick call to their US distributor and I had a new face shield shipped to me express for free - no questions asked.

Prices vary, but for around $250, it struck me as a very good deal.
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