H-D ends having factory teams for Flat Track and Drag Racing...


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Dec 13, 2010
Troy, OH
2010 Silver NT700V/ABS
H-D has been involved in flat track probably from the 1920-30s and their connection to drag racing goes back to the 70s, perhaps even earlier? Anyhow they pulled the plug on these programs no doubt due to poor sales plus in flat track they've been getting badly drubbed by arch rival Indian. At many of the flat track races, the first 3 bikes were Indians, sometimes as many as 5 or 6. Harley's redo of their "modern" 750 is clearing being outrun.

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I hope V&H still plans to continue drag racing Harleys, those bikes sound awesome going down the quarter mile.

The Cycle News article makes it sound like Vance and Hines will have their own race team and race development center using Harley Davidsons.
The old saying for NASCAR was, "Win on Sunday, sell on Monday." That was way back when the track cars were ALMOST what was in the dealer's window.
Now that NASCAR has become IROC, it doesn't work that way anymore, and apparently not in bike racing either.
"...NASCAR was, "Win on Sunday, sell on Monday." That was way back when the track cars were ALMOST what was in the dealer's window..."

I was a fan for a long time but I quit following that series in the mid-90s just before the cars became the same with only stickers on the outside to make it Ford, Chevy, or Toyota. Junior Johnson, Buck Baker, Fireball Roberts, etc., drove real "stock cars" in the heyday of the sport. I've read a few books about NASCAR and they are not too flattering with fast cars penalized for "stinking up the show" as NASCAR officials called it. They don't want any car to get way ahead which is one reason they drop the Yellow Flag if they spot a hot dog wrapper on the track.
Sad to hear these companies pulling out and the changes happening. When I was young back in Illinois we would ride and watch the flat track races fairly regularly.
I would agree all the money involved and rule changes have changed several sports to much less entertaining to watch. Sports on my TV used to be pretty good, now I don't bother wasting time watching many of them.

I quit watching after #3. No Dale, no Darrell, no Richard. No interest.
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