Honda Undercowl & Mic-o-Peg Compatibility


A month or two ago I asked the Forum if the two accessories were compatible. While several replied, there was no specific answer.

Well I now have an answer as I just bought the used undercowl for sale on the forum and got them here at the RV park in Florida.

They are not compatible as they use the exact same mounting point on the frame. I just started the project and will see if I can come up with something that will allow me to use both. I am not giving up yet.

First, it may be possible to use the working side of each bracket and fabricate something up to make them work, but will have to wait until I get home where I have better tools. At some stage I will post some pictures of the brackets etc, but the internet here at the RV park is not the greatest and it is hard to upload pictures without it shutting down.

Thought I would post this just in case someone else was thinking about having both Farkles on their bike.

Cooler day here in central Florida with a bit of rain this morning. Will be out on the bike this afternoon! :smile:
Sorry you had to purchase both of them to get the answer but thanks for sharing what you found.
The undercowl is on and went for a short ride. This item performs as everyone describes.

I looked at the possibility of accomodating both items again, and without doing a complete remake of the Mic-O-Peg mounting bracket, it will not work.

Oh well, will have to decide which to keep. Oh, I forgot to take pictures of the mounting brackets, but not going to take the cowling off to take them just now.

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