
I finally saw a NC700X base model today at the grand opening of a metric multi-brand shop. After sitting on it and looking it over very closely I do not see this bike as anything even vaguely close to a NT replacement. Nor is it a "adventure" bike was sitting next to a new Wee Strom Adventure ABS model that put it to shame. The NC may have a market but the mid-weight touring and adventure markets aren't it's least without some serious upgrades.
I agree RedLdr1. I posted my thoughts in the other thread. It did look like a great commuter bike, though. I really liked it, but I mainly use my NT for longer out of town trips, and my DR for around town. So I didn't really see it having a good place in my garage. I wanted to try it, but the dealer only had one and thought he had a buyer. He told me it had only been on the sales floor a few hours, so I kinda understand. I will try one when they have been out for awhile.
I sat on one today at the dealer when I stopped in to get an oil filter for the Super10. They had two. I don't think it's an NT replacement either. Or a Wee-Strom challenger. The bike I think it replaces and very much improves on, is the Nighthawk. And apart from the chain, I still think it would be a great sidecar hauler. It has the right kind of frame, it's economical, and based on the reviews I've read it is tractable without being boring. I like it a lot but I'm not in the market for it.
That was already near the top. The secret to dirt riding up hill is to get your butt off the seat, stand on the pegs to get the Center of Gravity lower, and stay steady on the throttle. Loosen your grip and let the front wheel find its own and relax. If the front end really gets squirrely, let a bit of air out of the tire to give it more of a contact patch. Make sure you air it up again on pavement.

Its a common misconception that standing on the pegs lowers your center of gravity or mass. Basic physics says it ain't so.
Its a common misconception that standing on the pegs lowers your center of gravity or mass. Basic physics says it ain't so.

True, but something about how it makes the rider interact with the bike, really does help.
It does not change the center of mass, it changes where on the bike the mass acts. The weight of the rider is supported by the pegs, which are lower on the bike than the seat. So, the bike responds to side to side movement of the rider faster than if he/she was resting the posterior on the seat.

A line drawn from the tire to the peg shows a larger lateral moment arm than moving one's weight on the seat a few inches.

Re: Moki Dugway. It is amazing how a nice 'wide' dirt road, with a berm on the edge no less, becomes more intimidating the longer the drop at the edge. :) Entering it at the top is mentally shocking. The paved road goes at a 90 deg angle to the edge of the rim. You approach it like you would a waterfall. At the rim it changes to dirt and makes a 90 deg turn to the left. Feels like you are headed straight out over the huge drop.

PS it didn't help that, other than my longish dirt driveway, this was only the second dirt road I'd had the NT on. It was the first dirt road my brother had ridden a motorcycle on.
Pete took the bike to the monthly Guzzi breakfast on Saturday. 300+/- round trip, three and a half mtn passes and 75+ mph freeways, bike got 69 mph. Said he did not try to ride conservatively.
I just received my new Cycleworld magazine and they did their first test of the bike.


Saw the issue also. Lots of interesting bikes tested and mentioned in that magazine. Noted the adventure bike test and the new Triumph and well as a mention of the waterhead BMW.

Hard to believe that bike will be that popular in Europe except maybe the milage. Not very practical unless you drop the $$ for the tailbag and panniers. Good for novices I guess.
Lorien, with the tiered licensing structure in Europe and the UK, it may be that the below-50hp figure will allow some people to ride an NC700X before they could ride a Deauville. I don't know that for a fact, just supposition. But there are a lot more commuters in the UK than there are here, and I guess it could be more popular with them.
I believe there is "Restrictor Kit" for the Deauville to get it below the 50 Horse Power tier if needed in the UK...I suspected mine came with it some days...:rolleyes1: As a Euro commuter I can see the NC advantages, you want light and skinny for "filtering" over the pond... Here I don't see any NC advantage since we can't legally "filter" in 98% or so of the USA...:D
For many commuters, it'll work just fine as is. I see a number of guys traveling back and forth with totally un-farkled bikes. Depends on what you need to carry and how you want to go about it. I know one guy I see on the ferry who has a hard backpack. I presume he carries a laptop in there.

Then was the dude carrying a full golf bag.
I see plenty of unfarkled cruisers during the morning commute as well, it all depends on what you want to carry...

I know one guy I see on the ferry who has a hard backpack. I presume he carries a laptop in there.

I saw the results of wearing a back pack to carry "stuff" during an unscheduled, relatively low speed, dismount many years ago... That was enough to convince me that if I can't carry it some other way I don't need it or I need to take the car...
Saw and sat on the NCX yesterday finally. In a word-YUCK! Styling is not to my preference once you get up close. Very certain that the seat is going to be unpleasant because of the forward slope. Been there and done that with the ST and it has a lot more room. Had to laugh at the micro windshield. No room for improvement there. And the open rear fender arraignment should be a hoot in rain and mud. Sorry Mother Honda this is a bike for novices until they learn better.
Saw and sat on the NCX yesterday finally. In a word-YUCK! Styling is not to my preference once you get up close. Very certain that the seat is going to be unpleasant because of the forward slope. Been there and done that with the ST and it has a lot more room. Had to laugh at the micro windshield. No room for improvement there. And the open rear fender arraignment should be a hoot in rain and mud. Sorry Mother Honda this is a bike for novices until they learn better.

You are 100% correct ! YUCK is the perfect word. It's not a horse and it's not a mule --it's a -- well you know !!
...... As often as people on this forum drop their bikes, it looks like there is little to damage on the NC700 in comparison to the NT......

Now ya' had to go and get personal, didn't ya? Sic 'im, Phil!



I'll just paint the NT in flat black pickup bed liner material and it'll never show a scratch again.
I liked the reader comment below. It reminded me of the reader comments the NT received in many of the reviews.

"This thing won't sell in America, Too bug ugly. $7000 are they crazy, you can buy a used sportster for that. You know, a real motorcycle!"
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