Packed for maximalist camping

Cool. I took a photo from the same spot last fall. Then took a photo from the top looking back down. That pass was the highest the Guzzi has been as well and I can feel your pain about rich running carbs :) Will have to see if I can find the photos.

The Army soured me on camping for a LONG time. It has been more than 20 yrs since I was forced to sleep in uncomfortable conditions. But, one of the best nights sleep I ever got was in Germany during a winter exercise. I was a scout (in an armor unit so I was riding in a jeep :) ) and looking for suitable places for the unit to stop for the night. We found one, nice little forest area. Driver slept in the jeep and I got my cot and air mattress put up outside. Put a shelter half over me (light canvas tarp). Woke up in the morning and panicked. I couldn't move! We had 12" of snow overnight and all of it was on me :) The combination of the snow and insulated air mattress was a nice warm bed. Oh, and I put my boots in the jeep so they were nice and dry :)

Now days that need for a bit of comfort means I carry a 4 person tent, just for me :) I can setup my camp chair INSIDE my tent next to the air mattress. An army surplus insulated air mattress (or one of those twin size air beds) is comfy enough. Sleep number is about 75 (number of deep breaths). :)

And, I do like camping for liesure. Stop a little earlier. Set up camp. Cook or go out to eat depending on location. Slows down the trip too, which is nice.

But, I don't tolerate biting insects, so, if any of those are out in mass then I book a hotel room :)
I agree with Charlie about the 4-man tent. That made a huge difference in my camping enjoyment and only added about a pound and a couple inches to the bulk compared to the Halfdome 2+ tent that I'd started with.
Yes. Both of the photos above were in colorado. The second one is headed towards Independence pass. The only time I missed fuel injection was at that top of independence pass. The bike still ran fine but was quite rich and down on power.

I will try to get more photos of the trip and post a trip report post here. I had been putting it off, but now feel like reminiscing about the trip :).

Great Pictures. Got me to go look at mine. Looking forward to your trip report. Here are a couple of my shots.
I spent a ton of money buying camping gear for my Spearfish trip last year and slept a total of 3 nights in the tent since I bought it
1 night shakedown
2 nights Spearfish
Big time buyer's remorse
I spent a ton of money buying camping gear for my Spearfish trip last year and slept a total of 3 nights in the tent since I bought it
1 night shakedown
2 nights Spearfish
Big time buyer's remorse

Well, you do actually have to use it to be cost effective... You were on a multi-day trip as I remember - how much did you spend on hotels and how much camping? If you just ended up not liking camping then sell it here and I'm sure you'll get most of your money back.
Because of the Epic Ride, mine actually got pretty cost-effective. I'm down under $35/night. I'll keep using it, but probably not ever that much again.
You were on a multi-day trip as I remember - how much did you spend on hotels and how much camping? If you just ended up not liking camping th

I dont have a problem with camping itself. My limitation is the non-negotiable need for electricity. In spite of any due diligence on my part, most of the time, the cost of a tent site with electric was as much or more than Motel 6! When that was the case, I stayed in a motel. If the dollars are the same, I will always opt for A/C, private shower and cable TV, LOL
If I could camp any old where, it would be much different.
Plus, I cant find any websites that are particularly user friendly when researching a trip

Evry time I try to use a site to find a campsite it seems to be a big runaround

Having said that, I will admit to being one of the Digitally Unwashed, so anything harder than shopping online is usually a confusing and daunting task for me
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I'd forgotten that you had to have electricity. That makes a huge difference!
I spent a ton of money buying camping gear for my Spearfish trip last year and slept a total of 3 nights in the tent since I bought it
1 night shakedown
2 nights Spearfish
Big time buyer's remorse

When I tried motorcycle camping I had the same issue...what if I don't like it. So, got a cheap tent (Kelty on sale) for $70, cheap sleeping bag at Costco for $35, inexpensive twin air bed for $30, and a cheap blue tarp to act as a "foot print" for the tent.

As I camped I liked it more and more so started upgrading things. I kept that 4 person tent as it has worked perfectly. The other stuff was a bit bulky so I started shopping the sales for replacements.

I replaced the sleeping bag for one that packs much smaller ($70) and got the surplus air mattress for $30 (also packs smaller). Then got a small stove (MSR rocket, I think $35). Then found a smaller foot print on sale for $25. So instead of needing two duffles in addition to the cans and trunk I can now pack with only one external 'bag' (actually a piece of 6" PVC pipe to carry tent poles and chair).

But, if you don't like camping you probably never will. Post the stuff up here for sale and someone will probably buy it. Some of us are suckers for camping gear just like electronic gadgets :)

I just find someone to camp with who is more tasty to the biting insects. Don't seem to get bit that way. :)


That would be me. I atract mosquitos for miles around and get bit when no one else every notices. Been that way since I was a kid. Darn things will get at me even when I'm wearing a tshirt! They will 'bite' right through the cloth.
Odd, most of the places I've camped where you get electricity are only a few $ more than a basic site and nothing close to a hotel room + taxes. I don't really need it though as I have power ports on the bike, some only when the bike is ON and some always on, so I can charge phones/computers/cameras.. if you need a CPAP, that's obviously a different issue.
Odd, most of the places I've camped where you get electricity are only a few $ more than a basic site and nothing close to a hotel room + taxes. I don't really need it though as I have power ports on the bike, some only when the bike is ON and some always on, so I can charge phones/computers/cameras.. if you need a CPAP, that's obviously a different issue.

The CPAP is the limiting factor
And I just don't know how to look for campsites, I guess. It seems confusing and hard to me
First off, I don't have a Goldwing to pull the camper trailer that I don't have to carry the generator
If I carried that on my NT I wouldn't have troom for my camping gear!
Second, I don't know if you can run equipment like that all night and not get in trouble with the campgrounds and other campers
Finding a campground that is 100 - 200 miles down the road is a challenge for those of who are "less connected" by devices. I've found a Google app called "Campfinder" that does pretty well. My GPS is useless for finding a campground. Many of the other apps only have the private campgrounds (those that pay) and omit the National Forest, National Park, State Park, State Forest, County, and Municipal campgrounds. These latter public campgrounds often offer some of the best sites for the least cost. Also the "Senior Pass" gets you into the federal campgrounds for half price. Those are the best bargains. But they still have mosquitos and sometimes flys and gnats too.
The CPAP is the limiting factor
And I just don't know how to look for campsites, I guess. It seems confusing and hard to me

That does add some issues to the equation and that means you need an RV type site. In the peak season, those are the 1st to go, to RVers. I usually plan my start/stops around State or Nat'l Parks.. most of those will have electric sites because the big draw are RVers for the most part. I stay away from KOAs unless it's just convenient but they always cost a lot and will equal a cheap hotel easily.
LOL, yeah, except a LOT of campsites have "generator nazis" that roam around after 10pm and tell you to turn it off. :)

FWIW, the NT engine is a LOT less noisy that those cheap gensets. Think of your old lawn mower :) Heck the NT is almost as quiet as my "silent" Yamaha genset for the RV :) Maybe get a few Lithium-Ion battery packs. Charge while riding and use them all night. Would probably cost a fortune in battery power for a CPAP.

The problem with electric sites at campgrounds is finding one with power at tent sites, AND being close enough to the outlet. And, yes, KOA's and other 'bigger' campgrounds charge a lot for sites. And, you have to pass up some of the really good sites where there are no facilities at all.

So, yeah, I do understand the power problem. If I had to pay $30 for a tent site with power I probably wouldn't camp much either.

And, yes, researching camping sites is not easy. I can navigate the sites easier since I do it a lot for travel with the RV. But, most are geared toward RV's and not tents. Most backpacking type sites assume you don't need power so they tend to not highlight it much. And if it is not mentioned you can't assume it will be available, even if it is listed on their website. Too many times I've pulled the RV into a "full hookup" site only to find the power is off or the receptacles don't work. Or, even worse, when you touch the enclosure you get that familiar 'tingling' sensation from a bad ground. :) Even water can be a problem as some places were built before there were many regulations on camp sites.
Second, I don't know if you can run equipment like that all night and not get in trouble with the campgrounds and other campers

You just might become really unpopular running a generator all night in the tent area...

I keep trying to convince myself to try tent camping but I just can't get past the buy in and even more so the memories of sleeping on the ground in the Army...:ghost1: I wasn't comfortable sleeping on the ground then, even with a "rubber ducky" air mattress, and with the addition of a few years, and a few pounds :rolleyes1:, and a bad knee I don't think I will be now... But I keep looking at it as I do have enough space to carry a lot of gear on the Tri-Glide without too many issues... Well, the generator would be an issue as it would look funny on top of my TourPak's luggage rack...and it ain't going in my trunk! :smile: I do still have sleeping bags and other "stuff" that I kept when I sold our last RV so I may "borrow" a tent and give it a would be cheaper....
One thing I ran onto last year was this

I was going to use a state park near Keystone, CO, and the RV campsites were about $18. But you could only make reservations thru this third party service that was going to add $9 for their fee I suppose, which was a 30% add-on.
By the time all the fees were added on, I was better off in a hotel in town
I stayed at a nice ski lodge in Keystone for $47
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