Packing - Twisted Throttle Dryspec Bags [VIDEO]


Dec 12, 2010
Carrollton, TX
2024 Mileage
'21 RT
Now if this doesn't make you laugh, nothing will.. or, it will put you to sleep.. can anyone count how many times I say 'Ah'...??


Joe, thanks for the video. I was really glad to see it since I had ordered the bag system from Twisted Throttle last week. I had wondered if everything would fit into one bag, and I don't think your stuff looks any more bulky than mine, so I'm confident it will...and if it doesn't I've got the other bag.
Joe, thanks for the video. I was really glad to see it since I had ordered the bag system from Twisted Throttle last week. I had wondered if everything would fit into one bag, and I don't think your stuff looks any more bulky than mine, so I'm confident it will...and if it doesn't I've got the other bag.

You could just as easily use the smaller bag for your sleeping bag and air mattress and use the bigger one for everything else.
now if I only had the sound working on my computer ... anyone know how to convince drivers to install?
... anyone know how to convince drivers to install?

It involves sheep guts burned at midnight or breaking down and buying windows seven now that eight is coming to market...Good luck.

Nice informative video Mellow. Good to see different approaches to hauling our stuff.
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It involves sheep guts burned at midnight or breaking down and buying windows seven now that eight is coming to market...Good luck.

Nice informative video Mellow. Good to see different approaches to hauling our stuff.

I am planning on getting a brand new computer soon, but its kinda low on the list of things to get.
Awesome! Thanks for the video and especially the links. I purchased a thermarest luxury map and while I find it okay on comfort it is the one thing I can't pack down. I am just guessing from memory, but after all the air is out of it and rolled up and in it's stuff sack it is still the width of the pad when unrolled. Seems like about two feet! I have decided I don't plan on camping in any more subfreezing weather either. I checked your link for the sleeping pad and really wish I had bought that one instead. Not much more expensive either. Love how small you can pack it down. If I get that one then my longest item becomes the tent poles which are more like 18 inches and fit in more places than that stupid thermarest luxury map.

I actually went car camping this weekend. Took my 8 year old nephew so couldn't take the motorcycle. I slept on the thermarest and kept thinking it wasnt' as comfortable as I had hoped. The one in your video looks nice and wide too!
Thanks Kev, appreciate that twisted throttle has put this item together. It should have been produced years ago, it just all 'makes sense' and the nice part is you don't have to use the mounting straps provided, you can do things 'your way' and still take advantage of the other things the bag has to offer.
Mellow, will the system's mounting straps allow me to use the passenger grab rails on the NT? I think they will from what I see.
Mellow, will the system's mounting straps allow me to use the passenger grab rails on the NT? I think they will from what I see.

I think they would. I don't really use the straps that they provide, I just use two straps to put the bag on the bike just like any other bag I might strap to the bike. The, I will strap the D28 bag using the ones they provide but the handle that comes with the D38 is pretty cool and you could use that to strap the D28 on top.

I'm not all that concerned with getting inside the D38 bag while it's strapped to the bike and I kinda like just messing with 2 straps vs 4 smaller straps that are connected to the bike if that makes sense.
I think you're missing the boat on the straps....

I get ya... I understand how they work.

Here's my issue with them, the D38 straps are open end loops that attach to the bike. There's 4 of them and each one attaches to one of the rings on the bag. That's all good.

But, my issue is if you do remove the bag, you still have 4 straps ties to the bike you have to take off or they're flopping around. It's not a big deal and many riders won't care. I just like having to deal with my 2 straps.. and to contradict myself some, one of them is a rok strap so I'm dealing with 3 straps... okay, am I sounding stupid yet.. LOL so.. I'd rather deal with 3 straps than 4.. okay fine.. you've made me look like a fool.. are you happy Kev!!!.. LOL

I could ditch the rok strap and use 2 conventional straps to hold the bag down like I have in the past with typical duffels.

I think the mounting system is cool, I just like messing with things and trying different approaches to see what works for me best.
In preparation for the spearfish rally, I just ordered that exped airpad. Looking forward to the smaller pack size than the thermarest "roll".
In preparation for the spearfish rally, I just ordered that exped airpad. Looking forward to the smaller pack size than the thermarest "roll".

You won't be disappointed at all IMO... see you in a few days..
LOL! I've got my footprint, tent, fly, poles and stakes in my smaller bag. Everything else for camping goes in the bigger bag. That way I can pitch the tent completely with nothing else getting wet if it happens to be raining. I doubt if I could assemble the Luxury Lite cot inside the tent, but might be able to do it by sticking the poles outside the doors. Haven't tried that yet.
I live just a half hour south of Daytona Beach so went up there yesterday for Bike Week and to kick some tires. Twisted Throttle had a booth there so I was able to pick up a set of the D66 Dry Spec bags for 20% off - which made my day!!!
Rick had asked me how I strapped the Dry-Spec Bags to my bike. I found these pictures on my work computer that show the attachment more clearly than the ones on my netbook at home.

P1040938.jpg P1040939.jpg P1040940.jpg
I think that I'll get the TT D66 kit as well. I will probably mail order from Twisted Throttle instead of taking a ride to Rhode Island and stopping at their store. I have quite a bit of TT stuff on my bike already--stopping at the store could prove dangerous to the wallet. The bags do make sense because I have not seen anything out there like them. I don't live far from LL Bean, Eastern Mountain Sports, and Cabelas.
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