pannier latch lube

Jun 14, 2012
Richardson, TX
2010 Red NT700
I don't want to read thru every pannier thread, so what do I use to lube the pannier latches with once I have cleaned them?
I agree that the lube needs to be something light. Although the latching mechanism is covered from the outside, it is still exposed to the elements from the inside so using any type of grease (as done at the factory) only seems to eventually muck up the mechanism.
I use Lock-Ease spray. It is specifically designed for locks/latches and doesn't leave a gummy residue. It's also great to lube your fuel tank, ignition lock, cable pivots, etc. It just leaves a residue of graphite.

I use triflow teflon spray on most things, I use the triflow dry lube on everything else, the tri-flow spray works awesome , and the company has some impressive data to prove that it works ( for you lube nerds like me) But seriously I got it here;
Best regards,
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I use Dri-Slide. Good stuff that worked well on the M-16. Have not had a pannier issue since I started using it. Available in gun shops and some Radio Shacks.
This is starting to sound like a a driveshaft bike version of a chain lube thread:rofl1::rofl1::doh1:
I use bike chain oil on my drive shaft, axle grease on my latches, and WD-40 for my blinker fluid.

My bike operates like a well lubed machine.

Slam them shut? I would not recommend that.

I agree. These lids are very air tight and slamming just causes a lot of back pressure that can lead to breaking things. If the lid won't close easily look for the obstruction, there will be one, however small.

Now, where are those 1/2 volt, red, canopy lights? :p
I will second the silicone spray, with one caveat - READ THE LABEL - There is at least one brand that is not safe on plastics. I think it has to do with the propellant, rather than the silicone itself, but I ruined some plastic parts on an RC helicoptor by not reading.

Amen!! Amen!! Amen!! I too learned the hard way on a PCV water valve in my RV. The silicone spray contained toluene as a vehicle which is harmful to certain plastics.

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