Promposal gone wrong.

Coyote Chris

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Aug 25, 2011
10 Red NT 14 FJR, 17 XT
Just when you think you have seen it all. .....The motorcyclist at least was mostly AGAT at least. He is asking way too little at 1 million. if the school and the cop agreed to let the car driver run a stop sign, it matters not that he chose to do so at 50 mph in a school zone. Put me on the jury.
Unbelieveable! I wonder how the school district and the municipalities insurance companies will feel about paying his claim? The insurance company of the kid driving the car may also try to bail on responsibility. This will be an interesting case to watch as it wends its way thru the judicial system.

Well.. if you are gonna get hit, this is about the best way...
- by a Porsche driven by the owners son
- during a prank that involves a school official
- during a prank that involves a police officer
Hmmm ... Parking lot stop sign (private property not city street, but still owned by the city). The winners here are clearly the Lawyers involved.
High School student in a Porsche impressing his girl friend ... what could possibly go wrong?
Like Frosty said the lawyers are the winners here.
I would sure hate to get into a mess such as that. Leave me to my quiet, boring, comfy life.

What kind of #$@%! parent give his high school son a Porsche?
You have no idea....Rich parents who enable and spoil their kids and try and buy their "love". And its not just Asian kids sent to the US colleges for educations. Its called "Affluenza"
I live in an area that is adjacent to a very affluent area of metro St. Louis. It has been my experience, at least in this market, that the Asian parents are the least likely to allow "Affluenza" amongst their children. Also, it seems that the offspring of "old money" are more grounded and well behaved. It is the brats that belong to the newly affluent that seem to have the worst cases of "Affluenza". I realize that I am generalizing to a degree but it seems that my observations are fairly accurate. You are NOT doing your kids or society a favor by allowing them to be infected by "Affluenza"

Some "quality time" in the woodshed when necessary from time to time never hurts either!
I remember running out the front door just as my Mom's belt caught me at the back of the thigh... I don't remember what I did to deserve that, I just remember I had to figure out how to walk back into the house.. That only happened once and lasted a lifetime.
I remember running out the front door just as my Mom's belt caught me at the back of the thigh... I don't remember what I did to deserve that, I just remember I had to figure out how to walk back into the house.. That only happened once and lasted a lifetime.
Just once? Lucky dog! I was a slow learner :rolleyes:

I remember running out the front door just as my Mom's belt caught me at the back of the thigh... I don't remember what I did to deserve that, I just remember I had to figure out how to walk back into the house.. That only happened once and lasted a lifetime.
I have about the same memory but it took me more time to learn. Once with mom and once with dad. I then figured out that they stood together. That left me with one more tactic - “don’t get caught”. The success/failure ratio on that wasn’t in my favor (or even close). But that took me a bit longer to learn. My buddies were absolutely no help at all.
Yeah, and the "my buddies made me do it" or "it was my buddies fault" excuse didn't fly either.

Parenting has degraded a lot during my lifetime. Kids need attention from their parents not more toys.
Or, in the words of the Mayor of New York City reference crime..."We dont have a police problem, we have a Parent problem"
Civil case isn't enough, there should be some criminal negligence proceedings going on for the parties that allowed this stunt to happen.
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