Ride with a special meaning.


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Feb 28, 2012
Parkersburg, West Virginia, USA
Silver 2010 NT700V
Over 46 years ago my best friend and I would ride our bicycles all over the county we lived in here in WV. We became the best of friends since neither of us had a brother in our families. With this all in mind we became blood brothers like my Native American ancestors used to. We have gone through life, playing in a rock band together, living in the same area till into our late 20's and then to only seeing each other from time to time. During a time we had lost contact he had apparently taken up motorcycling until his motorcycle was damaged in a accident with a deer. A few years ago, with the help of Facebook we made contact again and have been staying in touch more. When my "brother from another mother" let me know, a couple weeks ago, he had gotten a motorcycle I started watching for the opportunity to get in a ride before winter set in. This past weekend things worked out and we both were available to get together. A last minute plan turned out to be an awesome ride on a beautiful cool day with natures fall beauty beginning to shine as well. It sure brought back memories of us riding our bicycles together as we weaved through some of the same country side we did soo many years ago. Motorcycles may build memories most the time however do help us relive some of our best memories ! I will remember this ride for a long time and hope for others in the future.

A beautiful ride in more ways than one! Thanks for sharing the story.
Any ride with a friend is a special experience. My favorite is when I can take a trip with my son, a few days riding. Nothing better then a ride on a good motorcycle road. The mountains in the eastern USA have become our favorite, Catskill Mountains, Allegheny Mountains, Cumberland Plateau,
Great Smoky Mountains, Blue Ridge Mountains. Short ride from his home in central Ohio, and we are on the curves.
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Short ride from his home in central Ohio, and we are on the curves.

Yes Southeast Ohio has some fantastic roads as well. I'm just across the Ohio River so venture there often and enjoy some fabulous rides. Will need to meet up with you and your son when you are down and get in some SE OHIO fun.
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