Route Planning Software - Kurviger

LOL, Jim I tried to use my garminto get out of Sandy UT one morning as I didn't have a xlue on where I was or needed to go except I was heads east and nort into /wy and /sd. It took me on a very sx-cenix rout through the high rent districs in the hills etc above Salt lake for 3 hours before I finaly found the I-80 freeway.

My aimle lir
ttle Delorm CD is fool proofand can be fed into my old battered a]lapto acer.

A very good friend know as Uncle Bud to so a lot of the /iba/LD crows gave it to me a year before his tragix dmise at the end of the Spank rally of 2006.. it gives me travel time requiremwnts, miles, androuting pluss other features are availivble IF one wants to use them NS XAN BE SEEN ON COMPUTER SCREEN AND OR PRINTED OUT TO GO INTO YOUR TANK BAG VIEWING WINDOW./ELDON
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