The TDM is gone


I am very sad. My TDM just left with its new owner. I owned that TDM longer than any other bike I have had - more than ten years. It was a sweet bike, but since I got the Super10 I haven't ridden it at all, and Paul really really wanted it, he's been after me to sell it to him for years, so I finally let it go. Now I am sitting here feeling all broken hearted. I didn't even get a picture as it rode away. :(
Its always hard to let an old friend go but its better being ridden by someone that will enjoy it than sitting in your garage collecting dust. I recently sold my 1977 Yamaha XS650 for that reason. Since getting the NT I never ride it anymore and I have a co-worker that always asked me about it and said he would buy it when I was ready. We made the deal and now I have more money to spend on the NT. He will be picking it up in June.
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It's always hard to see all of those miles and memories roll away, but at least the TDM will be bringing new ones to the new owner. Now maybe you can use those funds to help make some new memories of your own. Example: years ago, my beloved GL1200 turned into a Catalina 25 sailboat homeported in Muskegon. No regrets.
At least I sold it to someone I know. So I will get to see it again. I hope it treats Paul well, and that Paul treats it well.
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