[Review] Warmnsafe Waterproof Heated Liner


Dec 12, 2010
Carrollton, TX
2024 Mileage
'21 RT
Item: Warm and Safe WaterProof Heated Jacket Liner
Price: $289.95 - $52.19 discount = $237.76
Discounts: "ST-Owners.com" for 18% discount

I was in need of a heated jacket liner to replace the Gerbing I had. It was a large size and I needed something smaller.

I was going to just go for a Medium sized Gerbing but I started looking at the Warmnsafe site and noticed they had a
new Waterproof Liner so I decided to give it a shot. I always carry a waterproof liner but sometimes forget about my
heated gear so this is an attractive approach that means I should always have a warm and dry option.


Is it Waterproof?
Yes!... I made a spot in the jacket and poured water on it to let it sit.


I let it sit for about 3.5 hrs and then came back to it and moved the liner around, all the water beaded off and none of it permeated the material.



The liner has some nice waterproof zippers covering the sleeve areas where you power the gloves along with the external chest pocket.



The left side pocket has a custom pouch you can use if you have their Remote Heat Troller which is a very nice feature. The side
pockets also zip from top-down so the wire coming out of the pocket will be at the bottom of the pocket with it being zipped closed:


The sleeves have very little elastic in the end which I like better than the Gerbing's sweater-like sleeve ends:


The collar is tall and soft with no harsh edges so should be very comfortable:



The sleeves and collar contain some reflective material which adds to the safety when wearing just the liner and not riding:


The front main zipper is large and not a waterproof zipper from what I can tell but there is a slim storm flap behind the zipper that should
deflect any moisture that might get through it. I think it would take a lot to get past that myself:


Is it warm?

Oh yeah! This one is 90 watts vs my previous Gerbing liner at 77 watts.

That being said, I have never had any issues with my previous Gerbing gear and I still have the gloves which work well with the W&S liners. The
two liners are simply made differently but the end result is the same - not to freeze to death.


I originally ordered the Medium but when I tried it on the overall fit was snug (I've heard that is how they are supposed to fit to be as effective as possible)
but the Med liner did not feel good to me where the arm/torso are attached (arm pit area). It was just a bit tight there.

I contacted W&S and they sent me a Large sized liner and said to send back the one that didn't work.. .wow!.. that's customer service and that helps push them
over the top when it comes to future business.

The Large liner seemed to fit me better in the arm area but probably too generous everywhere else. However, my gear is always snug so a quick ride proved that
my outer gear would help keep the liner against me for optimal heating.

The material appears like it would breath well but I won't know until I can put some serious miles on it during the winter, or summer rain storms.

The jacket comes with a carrying bag I assume to put the jacket in and a splitter for connecting pants or socks. You will need to buy the harness to connect to your
battery for supplying power to the jacket.
Thanks for posting. I have been thinking about buying a liner. Last winter I purchased a Gerbing extreme elements heated coat, but it fit me too tight in the chest and the arms were a little too short. It is almost too warm to wear if you know it is going to warm up. A liner would work better on those cold mornings that turn into great riding days.

I didn't think it got cold enough in Texas to need heated gear :smile:. Just teasin ya.
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+1 on Warm 'n' Safe heated gear. I've enjoyed having the heat all over the garment, not just where the heated wires are. I did have to replace a controller because I didn't take care to make sure that the cord to the jacket didn't get twisted as it came out of the controller box. It finally fatigued and broke.

Warm 'n' Safe might have warrantied it but I'd had it three years and decided it was my fault the wire broke.

Also +1 on customer service. The first one I got didn't work and they sent me another one immediately on my say-so.
Joe, what do you think about the warm & safe heated gloves vs. the garbing gloves. Who have the warmest pair. My left W&S glove died on my last trip and I am looking for a replacement. I want the hottest pair, heat wise, I can get. I need a size large. After 5 years they said no warranty on the heating elements.
Joe, what do you think about the warm & safe heated gloves vs. the garbing gloves. Who have the warmest pair. My left W&S glove died on my last trip and I am looking for a replacement. I want the hottest pair, heat wise, I can get. I need a size large. After 5 years they said no warranty on the heating elements.

I've only ever had the Gerbings and since they still fit and work with the W&S liner I didn't see why I needed to replace them, sorry.
This forum just seems to cost me money. You people keep posting cool things I just have to have. :) I ordered this same liner plus the W&S dual wireless remote heatroller. I have the dual gerbring unit, but i always found the wires cumbersome and no good place to put it outside all my gear. This is going to work so much better. The quality of the W&S stuff seems better than the gerbring stuff I have. If it performs as well as it fits and looks I think I am sold on W&S. I pulled the jacket out and though "NICE!", then I found that they had synced the wireless remote with the unit inside the liner and set up the glove connections. I then found the remote and thought "Very Very NICE!" The wired gerbring dual controller is plastic and bigger. This setup is much better with the smaller part hidden away in the liner and the nicer knobs of the remote allowing more freedom to place it where ever I want.

I haven't had a chance to try it out, but will do so tomorrow morning. It is going to be in the 30s. So far this year I have commuted by motorcycle on dry days, but there was a couple chilly mornings. I have a short commute so the heated gear is more to extend the riding season with the longer trips.

Thank you very much for the coupon code. Saved me a lot of money on the liner and heatroller. They applied the discount to the whole order. It saved me enough money that it pushed me over the fence on getting it and enabled me to upgrade my heattroller. I am very happy I did. I had been thinking about it ever since last winter.
Last year I bought a set of Sedici Hotwired gloves. What appealed to me on them is the fact that the controller is integrated with the glove, so I didn't have to buy an additional item to change temps. I put a small hole in the bottom of the left side pocket, then used a dremel to carve out a U-shaped groove in the lip for the wires to go through. I was extremely happy with them until last week: They worked great on the ride into work, but then I couldn't turn them on for the ride home. Looked closely at the wires and I could see copper right where they go into the plug on each glove. I believe that the insulation on the wires didn't handle the outdoor use very well and cracked as they were flexed. Well as expected they shorted out--the in-line fuse blew. I used electrical tape and patched them up well, put the gloves back on and everything was peachy for about 5 minutes. Alas the right glove has an internal short which I can't fix. If you flex the glove in just the right way you get a momentary burst of warmth and then it goes dead. My neighbor has the same set and he also has a dead glove. They have a lifetime warranty, so today we are riding up to Laurel, MD to try and exchange them. I'll report on how well they do.

This year I finally broke down and bought real motorcycle pants and a good jacket. I got FirstGear HT overpants and the Kathmandu jacket. Being morbidly obese It is hard to get motorcycle gear in my size--especially from the European companies. The overpants in 48" waist fit perfectly and so far are totally awesome! No more ski pants in the cold for me! The jacket is quality stuff, really comfortable and great features. However at 32 degrees it just isn't warm, especially in the upper chest and arms. I'll be wearing a light down jacket under it when it is cold until I can afford one of these here fancy wired jackets. One omission on the jacket though--there isn't a place to put your hands when you aren't riding. I have to walk a block from the parking garage to my office and man do the hands get cold! My limiting factor right now is the feet. I am debating whether to get the Sedici Hotwired insoles, heated socks, or something else. Any opinions?
Good Morning all,
First excuse my ignorance,as I've never had heating clothing.
Does the Jacket have the connector on the outside,or is it easy to locate underneath?
One of the reasons I ask,is can you still wear a riding jacket with regular liner over the top of the heated Jacket?
Which sae/coax adapter would I need for the Jacket,to connect to my battery tender plug in,ie Plug adapter or Jack Adapter,Amazon have both?
Like I said new to the heated clothing,and would like to order the correct components first.
Many thanks in advance
David, when I bought my Warm 'n' Safe heated jacket, I also bought their solo controller and between the jacket and the controller, I had everything I needed to connect it to the bike and to me.

Like Chris, I ran the wire to the controller out from under the seat and then I velcroed the controller to the left side of the gas tank. I just tuck the wire from the controller to the jacket under the right front corner of the bike's saddle when I'm not using it. Undoubtedly there are more elegant ways to do it, but this has worked for me since I bought my first heated gear.

The wire of the jacket has the connector to hook to the wire from the controller. When I'm wearing the jacket as a windbreaker, I just tuck that wire into the left pocket of the jacket. When I'm wearing my riding jacket (either with or without its liner), I just let that wire hang out from under the jacket, and after I get on the bike, I plug it in. When I wear my Aerostitch, I run the wire from the heated jacket out through the left side zipper that lets me reach into my pants pocket.

The Warm'n'Safe jacket is great! The no-wire construction lets the heat cover my entire body and arms without having hot spots like my old jacket did. Plus it heats up almost instantly. I've been very happy with it and can't believe that I rode with no heated gear for the first five or six years I rode. I use the heated jacket almost all the time when the ambient temperature is below 60F.
David, when I bought my Warm 'n' Safe heated jacket, I also bought their solo controller and between the jacket and the controller, I had everything I needed to connect it to the bike and to me.

Like Chris, I ran the wire to the controller out from under the seat and then I velcroed the controller to the left side of the gas tank. I just tuck the wire from the controller to the jacket under the right front corner of the bike's saddle when I'm not using it. Undoubtedly there are more elegant ways to do it, but this has worked for me since I bought my first heated gear.

The wire of the jacket has the connector to hook to the wire from the controller. When I'm wearing the jacket as a windbreaker, I just tuck that wire into the left pocket of the jacket. When I'm wearing my riding jacket (either with or without its liner), I just let that wire hang out from under the jacket, and after I get on the bike, I plug it in. When I wear my Aerostitch, I run the wire from the heated jacket out through the left side zipper that lets me reach into my pants pocket.

The Warm'n'Safe jacket is great! The no-wire construction lets the heat cover my entire body and arms without having hot spots like my old jacket did. Plus it heats up almost instantly. I've been very happy with it and can't believe that I rode with no heated gear for the first five or six years I rode. I use the heated jacket almost all the time when the ambient temperature is below 60F.

Thanks Phil

Like you, rode for years without heated gear,but as I'm getting older late 50's,the body is more sensitive to the cold and I want to ride all year round and be comfortable.
On the subject of where to put a power outlet for heated gear, I just put a Gerbing panel mount port (the cheap kit -- about $15 -- along with a fused battery connector) in the plastic just ahead of the left pannier lid. IMG_2806.jpg
So far I am happy with this location. Close to the battery, lots of room behind the plastic for the plug and wires, easy to reach when I am sitting on the bike at a standstill, close to where my heater wires come out from my Roadcrafter or from under my jacket. Only downside is that it would not work while carrying a passenger. But my spouse hates the cold and would never consider riding when heated gear would be needed. I previously tried a port up in the instrument panel, but I hated having the wires flopping around in front of me. Obviously many solutions would work.
This review is going on two years old but it was helpful in helping me select the electric gear that I ordered from Warm and Safe. I ordered the Waterproof heated liner, the dual remote heat-troller and a pair of gloves. I was surprised that the discount code was still valid and it saved me $100. Thanks Mellow.
Thank you for the excellent review. I have been looking at heated jackets for myself so i can go visiting during the cooler months and make riding in the rain a bit more comfortable.
I've been surprised at how warm it can be and still be worth putting on the heated jacket. I would have thought I'd use it when it got down into the lower 40s, but the more used to it I've gotten, I've even worn it while it was in the low 60s and just barely turned it on. My first heated gear was a vest that only had an on/off switch. Getting the Warm'n'Save heat controller makes it easy to use when you only want to take the chill off.
My next gear purchase will be a heated jacket liner.

Until then my gloves will work just fine. FWIW, I have the Gerbing lightweight gloves. I do not use a controller with them. Just run them full bore all the time. If they get too warm I just unplug them or swap for a pair of winter gloves I carry (Bilt Hurricane). I did make a controller for them, but, have never felt the need to wire it into the bike.

If I get a jacket I will use the controller, probably make a double for the jacket and gloves.

Having said that, I have never really been cold on any of my rides. Every now and then my toes will get chilly, but, my regular jacket (Tourmaster Flex III) and a fleece liner works for temps down below freezing for extended periods. It is a bit bulky though, and that's the reason I'd get an electric liner.
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