PR3 performance

Phil & Chuck,
with the amount of miles you guys ride the few little drops / sleepy bike probelms encountered are really not so bad considering the amount of time you are exposed to situations compared to those of the rider who only rides 3-5,000miles per year.
Ijust went our=t and checked the other two bikes odo and I have a totals of 24,493 for the yeaas of now, I think I will be over 25k before it ends, , lol mau=ybe even on the NT by its self
Eldon, if you end up with 25K on the NT by the end of calendar year, you'd be #2 or #3 on the Mileage Tracker. You ought to start keeping track of your mileage there.

I was in #2 position behind Woodaddict who commutes over 100 mi/day, but then MichaelK got on it and bumped me back to #3 -- a place I'm honored to occupy.
Do you have 15K on your front? I'm a bit over 14K on my front and it is showing some signs of wear. My Dunlop Roadsmart 2 is getting pretty square after 6K+. I don't think it's going to last as long as the PR3.

No I had 15K on the rear and could have gotten more (my guess 3 or 4K more), but I figured that while I was doing my 30K maintenance I might as well change it with the rains coming. As for the front tire, when I purchased the bike it had 9800 miles on it and the front tire was in really good shape. Same make and model of tire that was OEM with the bike. I finally decided to change it after putting 20K on it (29K on the odometer) as I was just nervous about the number of miles on the tire and again with the rainy season coming why not have fresh sticky tires.
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