Shoot the damned groundhog!

LOL! My birthday is February 3, and people always think that's Groundhog Day.
Just got done plowing my road.... around 10" of white stuff has fallen and it is still snowing. The radar indicates its about over tho'.... howzzat fer Global Warming? Al Gore is now on my hit list along with the damned groundhog!

Just got done plowing my road.... around 10" of white stuff has fallen and it is still snowing. The radar indicates its about over tho'.... howzzat fer Global Warming? Al Gore is now on my hit list along with the damned groundhog!


Had 12 inches here in Aurora. Should be back out on the bike by Wednesday. Going to have to ride the DR650 as it is a Dirt Bike and the roads are going to be Dirty.:shrug2:
Mike, ya can't call it Global Warming; that's not PC. Ya hafta call it Climate Change.:)
Ask Greenland and the polar bears about climate change...

Just sayin'...

And if we're not careful, we'll have this thread that I'll have to moderate before too long.

So... how are the squirrels doing in your neighborhood? Joanne tells me she's heard songbirds a couple of mornings. The sun's hitting me in my recliner this morning, so it's definitely on it's northward swing.
It is 9 friggin degrees here on the 25th of March. Yea there is climate change alright. It is getting friggin colder. Called Global Freezing. I don't know what is worse, the Texas summers with 110 + degrees or the Colorado winters with the -0's. Nothing has moderation anymore, from Weather to Politics. It is all extreems one way or the other. Give me a break Charlie Brown.
LOL! When we had the last rehearsal for our Easter Drama, as the fisherman pulled their full nets out of the Sea of Galilee, Big-Mouth Billy Bass was singing. The last night is always a "prank" night. It was a hoot. We'd bought rubber fish for them to catch and after searching for cheap rubber fish, we bought a bunch and when they got here, they had bright pink cheeks and bright blue patches on them. We repainted them to look like real fish. They had already caused a lot of jokes, but Big-Mouth Billy topped it all.
I fish with rubber fish--never catch anything, but it probably makes the real fish giggle. Yesterday was Maple Sunday--the commercial version of Palm Sunday--coincidence they fell on the same day. Looks like a good Maple Sugar season--also a sure sign of spring along with ladybugs inside. Did you know that it takes 40Gal of sap to make one gallon o Maple Syroup ? We just have to be patient.

A psychiatrist I worked with said, "Only worry about stuff you have direct control over--when you think about it, you don't have control over a lot"
Another cold night tonight......and tomorrow night also. Below freezing for two nights in a row!
A rare occurrence here this late in March.
Anyone shot the groundhog yet?

Big snow in the mid west and northeast...........
34 Degrees, 30MPH winds gusting to 55MPH and it is "spitting" snow flakes as I type this...:rolleyes1: It is supposed to snow in the higher elevations north of me tonight and get even colder tomorrow... Send that oversize rodent this way and I'll make sure he ends up in someones Road Kill Stew...
All the snow went by us to the south. I have a friend who lives about two hours due south of me, who sent me a photo of the 7" of new snow that buried his car last night. My yard is clear of snow, though the ground is still frozen solid.

People need to remember the difference between "climate" and "weather". Climate is what you expect, and weather is what you get.
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