Happy Thanksgiving.

Jan 6, 2011
Aurora, Colorado
19 Versys 1K SE, 14 FJR
My Pre-Thanksgiving German Bakery Run

Today was probably the last Motorcycle German Bakery run that I will make this year. The weather liars are telling us that winter snows will be upon us this coming weekend. From now to the end of 2023, if I have to make the run again, I will be driving my truck. At around 08:30 I donned my electric moto gear and headed out on the hour and a half ride to Wimbergers Old World Bakery in Colorado Springs. (https://www.wimbergers.com/ ) Temps, riding down highway 83, were a bit cool. Around 46 to 50 degrees. Arrive at the bakery and acquired my three dozen German Brotche(German Bread Rolls)


and a couple of German Berliners (Jelly filled, powdered sugar coated German donuts). From there I headed up to Woodland Park (elevation 8500 ft.) It was a bit chilly and I was glad I still had my electrics on. Make a right turn onto Highway 67 and motored on to Deckers for my mid-morning cup of coffee to go with my Berliners


Coffee drank, Beliners eaten, time to motor on back home. From Deckers I rode up Highway 126 to the village of Buffalo Creek from there I turned on to Foxton road that runs along the South Platte River and then up over and down Dear Creek Canyon and across town to home. Great ride, Relaxing 178 miles.
There were a couple of snowing patches on the Dear Creek Canyon road, in the shadows, and a little gravel, but all in all a great ride on the day before Thanksgiving. To all my Fellow motorcycle riders out there, ride safe and have a Happy Thanksgiving.



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...and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the forum members as well! We have a lot to be thankful for! Enjoyed your pix and admired your scoot. The black and white motif is very attractive.... the color combination reminds me of a killer whale so if you haven't named your bike, "Orca" would be a proper moniker IMHO.

...and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the forum members as well! We have a lot to be thankful for! Enjoyed your pix and admired your scoot. The black and white motif is very attractive.... the color combination reminds me of a killer whale so if you haven't named your bike, "Orca" would be a proper moniker IMHO.

I have called her "The Flying Nun"
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and managed to push away from the table after one helping! ;)
The best part of Thanksgiving is the left overs. I love cold turkey sammiches!
This may be heresy, but I'm not a big turkey fan. Its biggest addition to the Thanksgiving dinner is gravy. My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner and of leftovers is dressing and gravy.
This may be heresy, but I'm not a big turkey fan. Its biggest addition to the Thanksgiving dinner is gravy. My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner and of leftovers is dressing and gravy.

Hey, I had Thanksgiving homemade lasagna, courtesy of my son's family, and it was awesome! Even had leftovers of that too.
Thanks Chuck! Thanksgiving (and Winter) in FL. The only mountain to see here is at Disney World.
Motorcycles are sleeping for the Winter.
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