Why Won't They Wave?

Out west here most wave. Sometimes I don't wave back cuz I'm not paying attention, but if I see'um I wave. Bob you need to come out here and get some lovin'. And Phil you forgot that Porsch drivers don't acknowledge anyone. They make hardcore chopper riders look friendly. :cool:
When I was a kid I worked at a Hyatt Regency parking cars. Everyone would let you park their car no matter what it was...Everyone except the 911 owners. They didnt even want you to look at it.
I parked every kind of Porsche there was in the 80's, but never a 911
Hmm. I never wave at Porsche drivers, either. Didn't when we had the MG.
Jeep Wrangler owners wave to each other also. Always thought that was an interesting one (like, why that vehicle niche and not others...although there probably are others i'm just not aware of).

Corvette owners wave at each other. I've also seen Amish in their horse drawn carriages wave at each other. :)
My favorite wave is the Farmer Wave. You see him coming down the road in his pickup, exchange nods and he raises one finger from the steering wheel. And I often get an easygoing wave from somebody on a porch on a country road. When I was up in Newfoundland, Dave Murphy clued me in to the Newfie Nod. A sideways nod rather than a wave. Them birds talk funny, too.
I wind up waving an acknowledgement to other drivers, regardless of what vehicle they or I'm driving, when something courteous has occurred between us. I've even given a "no problem" signal to someone when they have acknowledged cutting me off or some such thing.
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