Sur Yes Sur

The route between Reno and Shasta regularly follows 4000 to 6000 feet. For roads, that is high country. For roads in early April in northern California, that is high country.
Real High Country, Colorado High Country 10000 ft to 14000 ft+. Thats High Country.:):):)

Pictures are of Wolfcreek Pass in May
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Cool! Thanks for the pics! We have a popular DJ out here that grew up around the Bay area. For the last 25-30 years, every Thanksgiving he plays Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant. It's kind of a Philly tradition at this point, kind of like "It's a Wonder Life" at Christmas, only with more blood. (After all the song is about a massacre.)

***Edit*** I Googgled the song, I know the original was in MA, but that closed in '79. I just like the fact that "Alice's Restaurant" is still out there!
Alice's has been around for a long time, at least 40 years that I've been riding. It's at the intersection of Hwy 35 and Hwy 84 from Wooside to La Honda. When I first started riding in '69 a few people would show up on Sunday morning for the race to the beach. (Young and foolish) Now on a Sunday are hundred's of bikes of all types and shapes. If it doesn't show up at Alices on a sunny Sunday afternoon it doesn't exist. Oh yeah, and people still race the roads. Only difference was that until I retired I got to chase them! Times do change. :wink:
You can find snow in mountain passes just about any time of year. I've tiptoed through it a few times when I was already near the summit when I found it. Other times I have turned around and not gone any higher. The passes don't have to be that high, even. If it's whiteout conditions at the summit, who cares if the summit is 3500 feet or 10,000? Those are just numbers.
I've got a backpacking permit for the Grand Canyon April 17-19. April 20th I will go in at Monterey and ride California HWY 1 and 101 through Big Sur on the coast and come out at Ventura for my ride back to Vegas. Life is good.

I'm sorry to report that a portion of Highway 1 south of Carmel washed out yesterday and is closed. With the rainstorm we are having today, I bet more of the road washes out. They have not set a timetable for repairs. The pictures in today's paper did not look good. Hopefully they can get something done in time for your trip.
When the Deal's Gap road washed out, it took them almost a year to fix it. And that is with tourism as the main industry for the whole area, in a state with a less dysfunctional legislature and a nearly bottomless roadworks pork barrel. Washed out roads just take a while to fix, and I bet the ocean is harder to fight than the river.
I live here. I'll go to Organ Pipe or Zion. Hey, maybe I'll go to Las Vegas!
You could take G16 out of Carmel and work the back roads south around the cave in. I have ridden that before it is beautiful with lots of twists and turns. Great motorcycle roads back there. If you plan this trip correctly by the time you get to Barstow you will be happy to see a streight road. 101 is not bad but you shouls be able to find two lane for your whole trip south. Look into getting some county maps as they will show the small back county roads.
Has anyone got a place I can look for updates or re-routes for the washout one 1/101 at Big Sur? I've lost my bookmark.
Well, according to CalTrans the road should be complete the day before I go through.
Me thinks I better have an alternate plan since to work around/detour is about 250 miles.
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